Ultrasound peripheral interface and in-vitro model of human somatosensory system and muscles for motor decoding and restoration of somatic sensations in amputees

Prestigious Partners
0 M
Raised Funds
Research Months

SOMA project has the aim to find the best trade-off solution between invasiveness, selectivity and spatial discrimination for peripheral stimulation.

As an alternative to current neuroelectronic devices, the SOMA project has the ambition to importantly advance the field of bidirectional interfaces with the Peripheral Nervous System to deliver close-to-natural somatic sensations in amputees, while guaranteeing selectivity of sensory fibers and spatial discrimination of hand areas. The newly conceived bidirectional US interface outperforms EMG interfaces in decoding motor intentions, thus providing robustness and temporal resolution for muscular activity recording.

Furthermore, SOMA will profoundly improve the knowledge of the sensory afferent pathway providing for the first time an in-vitro model that replicates the behaviour of the human somatosensory system and muscles. This will grant the possibility to investigate the spatio-temporal neural mechanisms underneath mechanoreception nociception and thermoreception, eventually identifing new encoding strategies to naturally restore such somatic sensations.

SOMA project will develop an in-vitro model that allows to design, optimize and robustly validate bidirectional peripheral interfaces before in-vivo studies.

Last News

SOMA project continues: 1st meeting in presence


Dissemination 2nd year

Dissemination activities performed during the 2nd year of the project

Workshop at ICRA 2022 Conference

Human-in-the loop paradigm for assistive robotics

SOMA consortium

The SOMA FET Project involves seven prestigious partners across Europe. A huge coordinated research effort will bring to ambitious advances in the field of amputees treament.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 899822