1st plenary meeting in presence at UCBM, 18-19 October 2022

Project News

Francesca Cordella, Loredana Zollo e Dario Farina Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Special Issue on Human-in-the-Loop Paradigm for Assistive Robotics.
Workshop at ICRA 2022 Conference


Dissemination 2nd year

Dissemination activities performed during the 2nd year of the project

Workshop at ICRA 2022 Conference

Human-in-the loop paradigm for assistive robotics

Dissemination 1st year

Dissemination activities performed during the 1st year of the project

IEEE RAS Seasonal School “SofTech-Rehab”

SofTech-Rehab aims to provide young researchers with interdisciplinary knowledge to design, simulate, and develop the next generation of robotic syste

SOMA consortium

The SOMA FET Project involves seven prestigious partners across Europe. A huge coordinated research effort will bring to ambitious advances in the field of amputees treament.

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European Commission Logo

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 899822