SOMA project investigates US solution as a completely novel low-invasive bidirectional peripheral interface

Call Identifier H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01
Call Topic FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking
Grant Number 899822
Starting Date 01/09/2020
Duration 48 months
Funding € 3.000.000+

The SOMA project has the ambition to importantly advance the field of bidirectional interfaces with the peripheral nervous system by pursuing four main high-risk objectives


To importantly advance the state-of-the-art on the restoration of somatic sensations by means of a novel stimulation technique that reduces invasiveness and preserves selectivity and spatial discrimination of currently available most advanced solutions.

To importantly improve the decoding of the activity of muscle structures and mapping it into motor commands for neuroprostheses through a miniaturized ultra-fast US recording system and advanced decoding algorithms, to be combined in a bidirectional arrangement with focused US stimulation.



To investigate whether multiple somatic sensations can be delivered in amputees via focused US and gain insights into the spatio-temporal mechanisms relating cutaneous stimuli and afferent neural signals through an in-vitro model of the somatosensory system.

To demonstrate that the newly developed US bidirectional interface enables close-to-natural somatic sensory feedback and effective myoelectric control of an external prosthesis.


SOMA Project Structure

The workplan is broken down into 10 Work Packages (WPs) over a duration of 48 months.

The project wants to pave the way to disruptive innovation in this area with strong benefits primarily for the community of people with limb amputation, but also for other pathologies that affect the human sensorymotor system.

SOMA consortium

The SOMA FET Project involves seven prestigious partners across Europe. A huge coordinated research effort will bring to ambitious advances in the field of amputees treament.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 899822